So long 110%

So long 110%

Three weeks ago I "retired" from corporate work. This follows 24 years as a UX researcher at Microsoft, Google, and Amazon (and as a psychologist before that).

This post is mostly an announcement — it's not a retrospective, which I'll save for another time. However, I share a couple of updates on what's next.

Why Now?

Basically, I feel ready. There is no particular external reason or pressure. I'm 56 years old, and am fortunate to be in good health, with a job that was going well.

On the other hand, after 2.4 decades. plus many more years of pre-Tech work, I have accomplished "enough" in the corporate work. The challenges in UX looking forward are no longer as exciting as they once were. (That's not a commentary on the UX world, but only a comment about my perception.)

BTW, I'll give particular thanks to my most recent colleagues at Amazon Lab126, where I was very happy! This decision is not a reflection on them or that position in any way. (I can say the same for my 11 years each at Google and Microsoft.)

And I have opportunities apart from corporate work, as I mention next!

What's Next?

Many friends have asked me variations of, "What will you do? Don't just quit and watch TV!"

My answer: thanks and don't worry! For one thing, I have not turned on a TV set in 5 days (maybe longer, I don't even recall).

More to the point, I will have 4 primary activities keeping me busy:

  • Running the Quant UX Association — I'll will lead both the annual conference, Quant UX Con online, and our new in-person training classes.

  • Other community: I'm an ordained Zen priest, and last year I received teaching authorization. With corporate retirement, I will devote more time to that.

  • Hobbies: I have several hobbies. Hobby #1 is boating in the Seattle region and north to British Columbia. We have plans to take our boat all the way to Alaska.

  • Catching up on writing. I've overdue on projects such as new editions of my quant books. (You'll notice I list this after the three "fun" activities above.)

I'm not going anywhere ... but keep in touch!

If you haven't already, follow the Quant UX Association and me on LinkedIn. Also, subscribe to this blog (hit the "follow" button above).

I hope to hear from you ... or even better to see you at Quant UX Con or a Quant class! Cheers,

-- Chris

P.S. The cover photo shows me in Shinjuku National Garden in Tokyo, in winter time. Photo credit to my Google colleague, Katie Tzanidou.